Shelby County Retired Teachers Association was founded on September 24, 1970 by Miss Mildred Bayer, district director of the western area, and Mrs. Orpha D Kerr, trustee of Dayton ORTA, who explained the function of the group, discussed current interests and concerns of the retired teachers at the community level.
The first officers were:
Mrs. Margaret Linker, President
Mrs. Mary Hodge, Vice President
Mrs. Hazel Enyart, Recording Secretary
Miss Francis Sargent, Corresponding Secretary
Miss Esther Brandt, Treasurer
All teachers and administrators retired from the public schools, state and community colleges and universities of Ohio who receive retirement allowances from The State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio may become members.
The purpose of SCRTA is to
To afford opportunity for the investigation, the expansion, and the interchange of
opinion upon subjects of special interest to retired teachers.
To promote the professional, economic, cultural, and social status of retired teachers.
To aid in the advancement of public school education.
To sponsor and support such legislation in Ohio as shall contribute to the comfort
and welfare of retired teachers.
To encourage other retires to join the local chapter.
To cooperate with NRTA/AARP by promoting membership, legislation, and
programs of the National Association.
SCRTA communicates with members via their website, Facebook page and a monthly newsletter.

2024 Kent Smith Scholarship Recipients