Geauga County RTA is ORTA's Chapter of the Month for January 2024!
On May 18, 1966, a group of retired teachers from Geauga County met for lunch at the Punderson Manor House, Newbury, Ohio. Special guests from ORTA were First Vice- President W. Fletcher Simpson from Kent and Northeast Director Pro-tem Robert L. Fleming from Youngstown. The business meeting was called to order by acting chairman Frank Schofield. Jo Urpi was appointed as acting secretary.
The next meeting was held on October 19, 1966, with twenty-seven retired teachers and guests present. Frank Schofield explained that the time had come for an organization of retired educators in Geauga County. Seventy-nine names were on the list of retirees. He hoped the organization would find a way to express its wants or wishes for future programming.
GCRTA is open to educators, support staff, spouses, and others who are interested in education, legislation, and fellowship.
The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association offers grants in amounts up to $250.00 to teachers in any of the public schools in Geauga county. Grants are intended to be used to support, in part or in whole, an innovative educational project that would otherwise not be possible because of a lack of school funds.
GCRTA holds six membership luncheon meetings a year on the first Tuesday of February, April, June, an August picnic meeting, another luncheon in October and a brunch meeting in December. The Executive Board meets the second Tuesday in the same month as the general meeting.
Wade Steen (STRS Ohio Trustee), Pat Cataldo (GCRTA President), and Robin Rayfield (ORTA Executive Director) at the December 2023 meeting of GCRTA.