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ORTA Staff

ORTA Chapter of the Month: Portage County RTA

Portage county is the home of Nelson-Kennedy Ledges State Park and the Portage County Retired Teachers Association, ORTA's first Chapter of the Month!

"The Portage County Retired Teachers Association was organized 50 years ago, on September 15, 1966, at the KSU Meadowview Clubhouse. There were 57 members paying $1.00 dues. Luncheon meetings alternated between Twin Lakes Country Club ($3.00) and the Tallmadge Buffet ($2.50 including tax)."

Under the leadership of President Chris DeMarco and Vice President Helena Perry, PCRTA is an active chapter, offering many social and volunteer opportunities for retired members, as well as classroom grants for local teachers, and scholarships for local students.

"As a chapter the retired educators also became involved in a variety of community projects including drivers for Mobile Meals, tutoring in schools and in depressed neighborhoods, gathering books and magazines for shut-ins and nursing homes, gathering teddy bears for the local police department to use, gathering toys for needy children, soliciting telephone pledges for educational television stations, and gathering small gifts for nursing home residents."

PCRTA has a website and a Facebook group, managed by Connie Evans and Karen Balog, for members to stay informed of chapter news and events.

"Our local PCRTA Chapter is having an impact on our local community as well as on the lives of our members, while ORTA is working hard to advocate on our behalf. The bigger our membership – THE LOUDER OUR VOICE! Thank you for your continued membership and please spread the word to former colleagues, family, and friends and encourage them to join us." - Chris DeMarco, President, PCRTA

(Photo of Nelson-Kennedy Ledges State Park courtesy of ODNR.)

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