To Ohio’s Teachers -
I have been thinking a lot about all of the outstanding people who have chosen to be teachers now that classes have begun again for probably every school in Ohio. (including my daughter) I just want to say Thank you! I can truthfully say that this past year has been one like no other for me. Thank you so much for always having my back and supporting me through this challenging time. Your support has given me the confidence to continue to “fight the good fight”. Please know that I will never stop advocating for Ohio’s teachers both retired and active and will not cease in my effort to be returned to the STRS Board.
Teachers don’t get into teaching for fame and money, they do it to make a difference in students’ lives. As I have stated before it was the teachers that I was blessed to have while a student in the Fremont public schools that made all the difference for me. I owe, in large part, anything I have been able to achieve to all of them.
Best wishes for a great 2024! May peace, love, and prosperity follow you and your family always.
Your friend,
For any of our new followers, who are not aware of Wade Steen's removal from the STRS Ohio Retirement Board by Governor Mike DeWine in May 2023, and Steen's continuing legal battle for reinstatement, this article is a good place to begin, written by Marty Schladden, Ohio Capitol Journal, May 9, 2023: Just as dissidents achieve majority on pension fund board, DeWine removes one.
How can you help? Donate to ORTA's Pension Defense Fund to help pay for Wade Steen's legal expenses.